INFJ poking at ENTJ as a partner
Jessica R Greggs 10 hrs I thought I could like ENTJ males but I’m finding ENFP more compatible. Where ENFP is perceptive of my feelings...
CARBS - how to (self.ketoscience)
is it better to eat it all in one sitting, is it better to eat it with fat ? are the answers different for being insulin resistant or...
working conviction
I worked in similar environment doing game development ( its reason why i left that field forever ) Imagine working with people that...
What DON'T you like about ENFPs? (self.infj)
submitted 3 hours ago by catladylaurenn This was asked on r/ENFP about INTJs and INFJs so I thought it would be interesting to pose the...
Overcoming hypocrisy and arrogance (self.intj)
submitted 11 hours ago by PickleChompINTJ On a consistent enough basis to be noticeable, I have people complain that I think I know...
INTJ to become ENTJ? (self.intj)
submitted 14 hours ago by Hybrid-RINTJ Is such a transformation possible? With the most fundamental trait, of breaking out from...
What do you think about Ayn Rand? (self.intj)
submitted 13 hours ago * by pineappleinacan I post this here because she is famously typed as INTJ. I am an INTP male by the way I think...