introduction to human framework
Stoibog Eg more clearly, is when i struggle on a project for school Research and notes and research and changing stuff and when i get up,...

introducere in arhitectura mintii
Stoibog Ex mai clar e cand ma chinui la un proiect pt scoala Research si notes si research si schimb chestii Si cand ma ridic, au trecut...

compassion / empathy / intimacy / vulnerability / politics as most thinkers (xNTx), i struggled with these values, as it was always hard...

INFJ poking at ENTJ as a partner
Jessica R Greggs 10 hrs I thought I could like ENTJ males but I’m finding ENFP more compatible. Where ENFP is perceptive of my feelings...

ENTJ *Rant about ESTJ*
Júlia Repovská So after a year, I came to the conclusion that I and my ESTJ co-worker can't be real friends. We were together the whole...

influence 103
If a person is struggling to meet any of the deficiency needs, then there is no way anything you do to tap into the growth needs will...

influence 102
In any situation if there is a lack of awareness, presence, or generosity; if there is any lack of real value to people; or if there is...